
The Cedar Mountain Fire Protection District (CMFPD) is seeking input from the property owners within the district about the idea of adding dust abatement as an additional service to the special service district.

This idea is in the discussion phase and the county commissioners would like to determine the level of support for this idea.

If it is determined that the majority of property owners in the district would like this service, CMFPD would administer this new service and decisions regarding the details of the service would be made by the administrative control board of CMFPD. It is anticipated that the majority of the public roads within the district would have a dust control agent applied to them (several options are being researched) on an annual basis to help control the dust.

It has been estimated that this service could be accomplished with a fee of approximately $60-75 per lot. This would be a new fee, similar to the current fees assessed by CMFPD, ie - snow removal & Fire/EMS. 100% of the fees collected by the district would stay in the district and could ONLY be used for dust abatement.

Please provide your input to this survey. There will be public hearings, in addition to this input gathering, that will happen if support for the service is adequate. 

Thank you for your help.


Click here to take the survey