Fire Warden

Regulations for Residential Open Burning!

Open burning is a source of air pollution that is regulated by the Division of Air Quality (DAQ). There are statewide rules in place that regulate open burning activities to help minimize emissions and ensure that the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) are met. Recent modifications to these rules change the open burn periods and include a statewide requirement to obtain a permit from the local county or municipal fire authority prior to burning.

General Requirements

  • The clearing index is 500 or greater. The clearing index is a measure of the atmospheric mixing and wind speed. A clearing index of 500 or less is considered poor atmospheric ventilation.
  • An open burn permit application must be completed and a valid permit issued by the county or municipal fire authority prior to burning. 
  • Permits may be issued between March 1 and May 30 and between September 15 and November 15 in the counties of Washington, Kane, San Juan, Iron, Garfield, Beaver, Piute, Wayne, Grand, and Emery.
  • Permits may be issued between March 30 and May 30 and between September 15 and October 30 in all other areas of the state.
  • Materials to be burned are thoroughly dry and no trash, rubbish, tires, or oil are included in the material to be burned, used to start fires, or used to keep fires burning
    • A burning permit is not required for the burning of fence lines on cultivated lands, canals, or irrigation ditches if:
    • the burning does not pose a threat to forest, range, or watershed lands;
    • due care is used in the control of the burning;
    • and the individual notifies the nearest fire department of the approximate time the burning will occur.
    • Failure to notify the nearest fire department of the burning as required by this section is a class B misdemeanor.


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For more information on fires across the country, visit

This page has been created for the Kane County Emergency Manager and Fire Warden to be able to post information about fires in Kane County.  For active fires see documents and links options.

Phone: 435-819-0671

Address: 971 E. Kaneplex Dr., Kanab, UT, 84741

Contact: Spencer Rollo , Kane County Fire Warden

For burn permits or other wildland fire related questions, please contact the County Fire Warden.

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