Planning Commission

Welcome to the Kane County Planning Commission information page. 


All applications can be found in the "documents" tab.

Kane County Land Use Ordinances can be found on our LINKS tab. Title 9 governs Land Use.

Note: Land Owners, Developers of Land within Kane County and the General Public: You are hereby given notice that Kane County will not issue building permits for structures on land within the county that has been improperly divided into two (2) or more parcels until the developer has fully complied with all requirements of Kane County's current Land Use and Subdivision Ordinances.

Kane County Planning Commission

Planning Commission meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month

at 6:00 pm in the County Commission Chambers, 76 N. Main Street, Kanab, Utah.

January 10                           July 10

February 7*                          August 14

March 13                              September 11

April 10                                 October 9

May 8                                    November 13

June 12                                 December 11

All complete applications and items to be placed on the Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda must be received a minimum of three (3) weeks prior to Land Use Authority meeting date. This ensures that all items are properly reviewed by The Land Use Authority, The Kane County Engineer and Kane County Attorney's office.




Kane County General Plan

Kane County Maps


Recorded Message

Small Claims

Address: 76 North Main Kanab, UT 84741

Land Use Authority Office Staff

Shannon McBride, Land Use Administrator, email: || phone: 435-644-4966

Charee Shepherd, Zoning Administrator, email: || phone: 435-644-4964

Wendy Allan, Assistant Planning & Zoning Administrator, email: || phone: 435-644-4364

Planning Commission Members

Doug Heaton, Chair

John Reese, Vice Chair

Byard Kershaw

Jeremy Chamberlain

Gwen Brown

Matt Cox

Mason Haycock






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