Kane County Sheriff's Search & Rescue has squads in Big Water, Kanab, Orderville. East Zion amd Cedar Mountain that all work together under the guidance of the Sheriff's Director of Emergency Services.
Kane County Sheriff's Search & Rescue is a volunteer organization that is always looking for additional members. If you are interested please contact us through the contact link above.
Firewise is a project of the National Fire Protection Association
Information for Homeowners from the Firewise website.
Power of state forester to close hazardous areas
Phone: 435 644-4995 weekdays or 435-644-2349 on weekends or for quicker response.
Contact: Alan Alldredge , Director of Emergency Services
If you have a general non emergency questions about search and rescue, Call Lt. Alldredge at 435-644-4995 and leave a message or send an email. If calling on Saturday of Sunday, or if this is an emergency and you need to speak to someone right now, Call Kane County Dispatch at 435-644-2349.