

It is the responsibility of the Treasurer to collect the taxes as they are charged. We do not assess values (see Assessor) or set tax rates (see Clerk/Auditor.) We cannot make adjustments or relieve taxes (see Board of Adjustments – County Commission).


Tax notices are sent from the Treasurer’s Office prior to November 1st of each year. The tax assessment is for twelve months, January 1st through December 31st, covering the year in which the notice is sent. The tax notice will be mailed to the Recorded Owner as of January 1st of that year.

On any property upon which a tax delinquency exists the tax notice will indicate that a delinquency exists, DELINQUENT TAX AMOUNT OWED, but will not be a detail of those outstanding prior amounts.  You will need to contact Kane County Treasurers office (435) 644-5659 for a detail listing of any taxes, fees, penalties and interest owed. 

If you have an escrow account set up with your mortgage company and they make a request for the tax information we will send them a printout of the amount due (you will receive the original notice). If your mortgage company has requested your information your tax notice will reflect the request in yellow at the bottom of the Tax Notice . If they have not made the request please contact them.

Didn’t get a Tax Notice?

If you moved and did not notify the Kane County Recorder’s (435-644-2360) office of your new address you will not get a notice. Although we get address changes from the post office after a mailing, forwarding may already be expired. Addresses sent to us by the post office are not always readable or correct. It is the tax payers’ responsibility to see that the correct address is always on file. IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED YOUR NOTICE BY NOVEMBER 5th CONTACT THIS OFFICE @ 435-644-5649.  We can email or mail a new copy to you upon request. 

If you recently purchased property, the tax notice may be sent to the seller. There is a notation on the tax notice for the seller to send it on to the new buyer; however, Sellers do not always send the notice on. It is the tax payer’s responsibility to see that they get all of their notices. Check your descriptions and acreage; be sure they all add up.


Property taxes can be paid directly to the Treasurer by mail or in person or over the phone. The tax stub or an identifying number should accompany the payment. The Treasurer is not responsible for an individual paying on the wrong account. Payment with no identification will be returned.

You may make Pre-Payments on your property at any time. Tax Prepayment coupons are available from the County Treasurer for taxpayers who  want to pay in advance for their current year taxes. Contact the County Treasurer's office to request coupons.  Your payment can be processed as long as it is for a minimum of $25.00 and you have provided us with a valid parcel number/account number. However, all prior years’ taxes must be paid before current pre-payments will be applied.


Property taxes may be paid with cash, check, or money order. Payments online are available at: http://eagleweb.kane.utah.gov/treasurer/treasurerweb/search.jsp  or by phone, call 1-800-272-9829, Press "3" for Property Tax. Enter Jurisdiction Code 5427, and follow the prompts.  Any online payments on tax sale properties will not be accepted.  They will need to be certified funds.

Do not pay from the Disclosure Notice that you receive in July. They do not include any special service district fees or abatements you may receive.

At any time prior to expiration of the redemption period partial payments can be made against the lien. Payments will be applied in the following order; interest and penalty against the tax of the most current year, tax on the most current year and so on until the full amount of delinquent taxes, penalties, and interest are paid.


All taxes unpaid or postmarked after DUE DATE listed on tax notice, are delinquent.  All delinquent taxes are subject to a penalty of 2.5% or $10 for each parcel. The penalty will be reduced to the greater of 1% or $10 if all delinquent taxes and the 1% penalty are paid on or before January 31st, for each parcel.

Unless the delinquent taxes, together with the penalty, are paid by January 31st, the amount of taxes and penalty shall bear interest at the rate of 6% over the “Federal Discount Rate” that exists on January 1st following the date of delinquency. Interest will also be calculated back to January 1st.

Contact the Kane County Treasurer’s Office for current pay off amounts on delinquent taxes @ 435-644-5659.


A tax upon real property is a lien against the property assessed. A tax due of improvements upon real property assessed to a person other than the owner of the real property is a lien upon the property and improvements. These liens attach as of January 1st of each year.

Property liens not paid prior to a lapse of four years from the date of lien is subject to an “Auditor Tax Sale”. An Auditor Tax Sale will be held each year in May or June.

Property may be redeemed at any time prior to the tax sale. A person can redeem property by paying to the County Treasurer all delinquent taxes, interest, penalties, and administrative costs that have accrued on the property.


The following abatements are available: Circuit Breaker, Low Income, Hardship, Veterans, Blind, Disability and Widow or Widower.

Contact the Clerk/Auditor’s office at 435-644-2458, for eligibility criteria and amounts.